5 Types of Challenges Facing Health Information Systems

  1. Technical problems
  2. including obstacles related to the installation of health information systems (HISs)
  3. hardware availability
  4. and network speed and availability.
  5. Usage problems
  6. such as poor system usability and problems with user training.
  7. Quality problems
  8. often related to poor data quality or poor quality of the HIS itself
  9. some affecting patient safety.
  10. Operational functionality
  11. including missing features or problems with specific features of the system
  12. often leading to users having to use multiple systems.
  13. Maintenance and support problems
  14. including lack of professional support
  15. poor system maintenance
  16. poor communication with the IT department and poor documentation.
Notes: From an article entitled, "Obstacles and features of health information systems: A systematic literature review," by J.Tummers, B.Tekinerdogan, H.Tobi, C.Catal and B.Schalk. Researchers conducted a systematic literature review of 1340 papers on Health Information Systems, from which they selected 136 studies upon which to perform a full-text analysis. 69 obstacles were identified, which fell into 5 general groups.

Source: Computers in Biology and Medicine, October 2021 - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010482521005795